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AWS Elasticache Redis, what will happen when I have a Redis (Cluster Mode Disabled) with only 1 node and it fails

I have read about automatic failover feature of AWS Elasticache Redis. The document tells me that the failover process need that I have at least 1 replica node (i.e. at least 2 total nodes) so that it can use the replica node to replace the failed primary node.

But I cannot find the details about what will happen if I have only 1 node and it fails. Is it re-created automatically or it needs a manual process to drop and re-create it?

I intend to create a Redis Group (Cluster Mode Disabled) with only 1 node in my test environment using following CloudFormation template.

    "ReplicationGroup": {
        "Type": "AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup",
        "Properties": {
            "ReplicationGroupId" : "my-redis",
            "ReplicationGroupDescription" : "My Redis",
            "NumCacheClusters": 1,
            "AutomaticFailoverEnabled": false,
            "CacheNodeType": "cache.t3.medium",
            "CacheParameterGroupName" : "default.redis5.0",
            "Engine": "redis",
            "EngineVersion" : "5.0.6",
            "Port": "6379",
            "AtRestEncryptionEnabled" : true,
            "TransitEncryptionEnabled" : true,
            "AuthToken" : {"Ref": "AuthToken"},
            "CacheSubnetGroupName": {"Ref": "SubnetGroup"},
            "SecurityGroupIds": [
                {"Ref": "RedisSecurityGroup"}
            "SnapshotRetentionLimit": 0,
            "MultiAZEnabled" : {"Fn::If": ["ConditionMultiAZEnabled", true, false]}


  • The process would depend on the scenario.

    A single node is in an AZ, so if the AZ is having issues then your node will potentially be impacted with little you can do to mitigate it. You would need to create another node in another AZ if you wanted to restore access.

    If it is an underlying host failure (e.g. the rack loses power, physical server needs to reboot etc) then AWS will try to migrate it to another host in the same availability zone.

    Most managed services follow the same recovery process as EC2 hosts, because these are what the services are running on under the hood.