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How can I check with doctest that a program produced certain output?

In one of my functions I'm calling an external program, using subprocess.check_call, which will produce output. How could I use doctest to make sure the output it's producing is the one I'm expecting?


  • Maybe this can help:

    import sys
    import tempfile
    import subprocess
    def example(output):
        r""" Do something ...
        >>> output = example('Processing file ...')
        >>> print output # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
        'Processing file ...'
        Check how many file was processed.
        >>> [line.startswith('Processing file')
        ... for line in output.splitlines()].count(True)
        cmd = "print '%s'" % (output, )
        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as output:
            subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-c', cmd], stdout=output)
            res =
        return res
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import doctest

    As you can see i used the argument stdout of the subprocess.check_call function so to be able to get the output of the command , beside that if you are not using the stdout argument (which i assume that is your case) i think it very hard to capture the command output.

    Hope this was hopeful :)