Search code examples

ST_INTERSECTS issue BigQuery Waze

I'm using the following code to query a dataset based on a polygon:

FROM `waze-public-dataset.partner_name.view_jams_clustered`
WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(geo, ST_GEOGFROMTEXT("POLYGON((-99.54913355822276 27.60526592074579,-99.52673174853038 27.60526592074579,-99.52673174853038 27.590813604291416,-99.54913355822276 27.590813604291416,-99.54913355822276 27.60526592074579))")) IS TRUE

The validation message says that "This query will process 1 TB when run".

It seems like there's no problem. However, when I remove the "WHERE INTERSECTS" function, the validation message says exactly the same thing: "This query will process 1 TB when run", the same 1 TB, so I'm guessing that the ST_INTERSECTS function is not working.


  • When you actually run this query, the amount charged should be usually much less, as expected for spatially clustered table. I've run select count(*) ... query with one partner dataset, and while editor UI announced 9TB before running query, the query reported around 150MB processed after running.

    The savings come from clustered table - but the specific clusters that intersect the polygon used in filter depend on actual data in the table and how clusters were created. The clusters and thus the cost of the query can only be determined when the query runs. Editor UI in this case shows maximum possible cost of the query.