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azure function failure alert gets triggered when success

I have an issue where an azure alert gets triggered when an azure function gets executed. I looked into different documentations reviewed the alert rule, reviewed the code but it seems im not able to point out the issue. Can u guys please check and see what i missed?

The condition of the alert is the following:

                "criteria": {
                "odata.type": "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria",
                "allOf": [
                        "name": "1st criterion",
                        "metricName": "<functionName> Failures",
                        "metricNamespace": "Azure.ApplicationInsights",
                        "dimensions": [
                        "operator": "GreaterThan",
                        "threshold": "0",
                        "monitorTemplateType": "8",
                        "criterionType": "StaticThresholdCriterion",
                        "timeAggregation": "PT1M",
                        "skipMetricValidation": true
            "autoMitigate": true,

Relevant part of the code:

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
let res = await apicall();
            response = {
                status: 200, /* Defaults to 200 */
                body: res
        response = {
            status: 500, /* Defaults to 500 */
            body: errorHandler(error)
        errorObj = error
        if (response.status == 200) {
            context.done(null, response)
        } else {
            context.done(errorObj, response)

Edit , as requested in comment here is a picture of it. enter image description here

And the successfull execution:

enter image description here


  • If you have your azure function linked with Application Insights, then I suggest you can use Custom log search(You can refer to this article about it.).

    The benefit of this kind of signal is that Application insights query will show the exact result which we need, and we know the logic clearly. But for the pre-defined signal, we are not clear it's logic in beckend.

    Please give it a try, and let me know if there is any problem.