The query parameter is status It's value can be status=draft or status=draft,sent&
How can I validate that the status is draft, sent or approved?
I was using this rule
'status' => 'nullable|in:draft,approved,declined,sent'
To validate statuses invidually. How can I validate if there are 2 status and they're valid?
You can extend Laravel validation in your AppServiceProvider
in boot()
method like so
Validator::extend('check_status', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$valid_statuses = ['draft', 'approved', 'declined', 'sent'];
$requested_statuses = explode(",", $value);
$array_diff = array_diff($requested_statuses, $valid_statuses);
$validator->addReplacer('check_status', function ($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters) use ($array_diff) {
return str_replace(':statuses', implode(", ", $array_diff), $message);
return empty($array_diff);
}, 'Statuses [:statuses] are not valid');
i have added a custom validation error message that will print all not valid statuses.
in your controller you will add
'status' => 'nullable|check_status'