please help. I am trying to execute the following typeorm query:
return await getRepository(Company)
.leftJoinAndSelect("Company.plants", "Plant")
.leftJoinAndSelect("Plant.documents", "Document")
.leftJoinAndSelect("Plant.notes", "Note")
.loadRelationCountAndMap("Plant.documentsCount", "Plant.documents")
.loadRelationCountAndMap("Plant.notesCount", "Plant.notes")
The idea was to select counts of documents and notes per each plant along with all plants for all companies. (Actually selecting notes and documents themselves was not needed, but i did it to prove that relations do work).
Also I have specified the placeholder variables to keep counts in Plant entity:
@OneToMany(() => Document, (document) => document.plant)
documents: Document[];
documentsCount: number;
@OneToMany(() => Note, (note) => note.plant)
notes: Note[];
notesCount: number;
Strangely the returned Plant.documentsCount and Plant.notesCount are 0 (while the collections of documents and notes are not empty and are being selected).
Another strange thing is that i don't see in SQL querires any attempts to select these counts, thus i hope typeorm itself would do counting (since it has collections selected correctly).
Could anybody please give some advise on how to select these counts?
Unfortunately Typeorm is the most impotent framework. All important features are either deprecated or not implemented.
To solve this particular issue i had to:
.leftJoinAndSelect("Plant.documents", "Document")
.leftJoinAndSelect("Plant.notes", "Note")
getDocumentsCount() {
this.documentsCount = this.documents.length;
delete this.documents;
getNotesCount() {
this.notesCount = this.notes.length;
delete this.notes;