c#, mysql in my project.
In that i create a rdlc report. I dont know to pass winform textbox value to rdlc report text field.
I googled and try some set of code. but cant get that.
If you worked in report. please help me.
My requirement is,..
I am doing college project. In that they asked bonafide certificate. So i create a winform With reportviwer, name, course, year, semester, academic year, purpose textboxs and one button. Click the button when the textboxes are filled. those text values want to pass the record textboxes.
Is it possible any way.
my report...
One way would be to setup a parameter for each of the fields you want to bring in and set the value of the parameter to whatever you want in your C# app. In the report you would then set the value of each text box to be the parameter and it should work just fine.
Or if you are using RDLC files (which you are) you could put your data into a dataset and pass that to the report and then have each field in the report a column in the dataset