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How to change labels font size in Holoviews chord diagram?

I'm trying to draw a chord diagram using HoloViews, and it seems to work fine, but I can't figure how to change labels font size. I tried changing fontscale value but it seems to have no effects on labels. Here is my code:

import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
from holoviews import dim, opts

chord = hv.Chord(temp) # temp is a pandas dataframe with cloumns=["from","to"]
chord.opts(fontscale=2, width=800, height=800, title='Collaborative Network')
    opts.Chord(cmap='Category20', edge_cmap='Category20', edge_color=dim('to').str(), 
               labels='index', node_color=dim('index').str()))

Chord diagram of countries network


  • I resolved adding at the end of the code this: chord.opts(label_text_font_size='12pt')