I've created this script to send the none empty rows of a sheet as an email. So far it sends the email, but it places all the found rows in a single continuous line in the email body.
I've tried placing a line break <br/>
in various places in the HTML part of the script but no luck so far.
function sendSheetDataViaEmail() {
var SSID = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1dfgdfgdf').getSheetByName('sheet1');
var lastRow = SSID.getLastRow();
var cell = SSID.getRange(12, 1,lastRow-3,9).getDisplayValues();
var data2D = cell.filter(function(item) {//filter by user Id and by spliting month and year
return item[0] != "" // if not empty
Array.prototype.transpose = function() { var a = this; return Object.keys(a[0]).map(function (c) {
return a.map(function (r) { return r[c]; }); }); }
//transpose the array, because getValues() returns an array of rows
data2D = data2D.transpose();
// data2D.splice(1,1); // removes the second column... count starts at 0
//if now you need an array or rows again, just transpose again
data2D = data2D.transpose();
var L = data2D.length;
var html = "";
html = "<table id='loadListOfFaturasDeHojeTable' class='order-table table dark3Dtable'> <thead><tr>
<th '>F. ID 🔃</th><th>Trans ID</th> <th>C. ID</th> <th >C. NOME</th> <th >CODDIGO</th> <th >NU DE
SERIE</th> <th >VALOR</th><th >DATA</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>";
for (var i=0;i<L;i++) {
var thisRow = data2D[i];
var rowHTML = "";
rowHTML = "<tr>";
var rowHTML0 = '<td style="color: red;">'+ thisRow[0] + '</td>'
var rowHTML1 = '<td >'+ thisRow[1] + '</td>'
var rowHTML2 = '<td >'+ thisRow[2] + '</td>'
var rowHTML3 = '<td >'+ thisRow[3] + '</td>'
var rowHTML4 = '<td >'+ thisRow[4] + '</td>'
var rowHTML5 = '<td >'+ thisRow[5] + '</td>'
var rowHTML6 = '<td >'+ thisRow[6] + '</td>'
var rowHTML7 = '<td >'+ thisRow[7] + '</td>'
var rowHTML8 = '<td ">'+ thisRow[8] + '</td>'
rowHTML = rowHTML0 +rowHTML1+rowHTML3 + rowHTML4 + rowHTML5 + rowHTML6 + rowHTML7 + rowHTML8 +
html = html + rowHTML ;
// Logger.log('html: ' + html)
html = html + "</table>";
var settings = {
mailTo: SSID.getRange('J3')//email address
subject: SSID.getRange('J4')
body: html,
MailApp.sendEmail(settings.mailTo, settings.subject,"" , {
htmlBody: settings.body,
Try it this way:
function sendSheetDataViaEmail() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById('ssid');
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('sheet1');
var lastRow=sh.getLastRow();
var vA=sh.getRange(12, 1,sh.getLastRow()-11,9).getDisplayValues().filter(function(item){return item[0]});
var html="";
html='<table id="loadListOfFaturasDeHojeTable" class="order-table table dark3Dtable"><tr><th>F.ID 🔃</th><th>TransID</th><th>C.ID</th><th>C.NOME</th><th>CODDIGO</th><th>NUDESERIE</th><th>VALOR</th><th>DATA</th></tr>';
for(var i=0;i<vA.length;i++) {
html+='<tr><td style="color:red;">'+ thisRow[0] + '</td><td >'+ thisRow[1] + '</td><td >'+ thisRow[2] + '</td><td >'+ thisRow[3] + '</td>';
html+='<td >'+ thisRow[4] + '</td><td >'+ thisRow[5] + '</td><td >'+ thisRow[6] + '</td><td >'+ thisRow[7] + '</td>'<td ">'+ thisRow[8] + '</td>';
MailApp.sendEmail(sh.getRange('J3').getValue(),sh.getRange('J4').getValue() ,"",{htmlBody:html});