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How can I search for a user who has 2 roles with Spatie Laravel-permission?

I'm working with Laravel, currently I'm only focused on permissions and I need to validate that if a user has the role of Seller and Administrator they will list all the sellers, in case they don't, just list a project.

I've tried to create my own functions but I always fall into True and only allow me to validate 1 role no more

public function isSeller(){

  foreach (Auth::user()->getRoleNames() as $role) {
     if ($role == 'vendedor') {
          return true;
     } else {
          return false;

If in the previous query within if I put && $role == 'admin' it will always return true even if the user does not have the role.


  • You can directly check as given below, it will return true if user has role seller or admin


    If you want to check user has both roles then
