When verifying the signature, the background server displays {"rtnCode":-1,"errMsg":"check playerSSign fail"}
The data provided by the client is
if(huaweiid != null){
PlayersClient player = Games.getPlayersClient(this, huaweiid);
player.getCurrentPlayer().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Player>() {
public void onSuccess(Player player) {
String ts = player.getSignTs();
String playerId = player.getPlayerId();
int playerLevel = player.getLevel();
String playerSign = player.getPlayerSign();
//String displayName = player.getDisplayName();
//Uri hiResImageUri = player.getHiResImageUri();
//Uri iconImageUri = player.getIconImageUri();
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
try {
jo.put("signTs", ts);
jo.put("playerId", playerId);
jo.put("playerLevel", playerLevel);
jo.put("playerSign", playerSign);
EditText ed = findViewById(R.id.editText);
Log.i("huawei user info", jo.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.i("huawei user info", Objects.requireNonNull(e.getMessage()));
} Use the preceding four data items and the following description document:
An error always occurs during the verification in the background.
{"rtnCode":-1,"errMsg":"check playerSSign fail"}
appId/cpid is obtained from agconnect-services.json and agconnect-services.json is downloaded from the background.
what’s the reason?
The following table describes the typical setting errors of the input parameters. Please verify the parameter settings.