We are investigating using PostGIS to perform some spacial filtering of data that has been gathered from a roving GPS engine. We have defined some start and end points that we use in our processing with the following table structure:
idtracksegments bigserial NOT NULL,
name text,
approxstartpoint geometry,
approxendpoint geometry,
maxpoints integer
If the data in this table is queried:
SELECT ST_AsText(approxstartpoint) FROM tracksegments
we get ...
POINT(-3.4525845 58.5133318)
Note that the Long/Lat points are given to 7 decimal places.
To get just the longitude element, we tried:
SELECT ST_X(approxstartpoint) AS long FROM tracksegments
we get ...
We need much more precision than the 2 decimal places that are returned. We've searched the documentation and there does not appear to be a way to set the level of precision. Any help would be appreciated.
Your problem is definitely client related. Your client is most likely truncating double precision
values for some reason. As ST_AsText
returns a text
value, it does not get affected by this behaviour.
does not truncate the coordinate's precision like that, e.g.
SELECT ST_X('POINT(-3.4525845 58.5133318)');
(1 Zeile)
Tested with psql
in PostgreSQL 9.5 + PostGIS 2.2
and PostgreSQL 12.3 + PostGIS 3.0
and with pgAdmin III
Note: PostgreSQL 9.5 is a pretty old release! Besides the fact that it will reach EOL next January, you're missing really kickass features in the newer releases. I sincerely recommend you to plan a system upgrade as soon as possible.