Ive got a basic questions about windows forms, im designing a app in visual c# express, It needs a login, heres where im stuck,
Take msn messenger loads up and you get the use/pass prompt, put the details in and then you get your contacts,
How would you replicate something like that
in the simpilist form is this 2 seperate forms? ie a login form and a contact form? or is this one form with dynamic controls? etc
This is what I'd suggest:
Have a central form in your application, you could call it "frmMain" for-the-purpose-of-discussion, and ensure that this form is the first thing that loads up on application start-up -
Program { Main() { Application.Run(frmMain()); } }
Next, define a central app-level properties management class, FTPOD - "AppProperties"
frmLogin login = new frmLogin()
login = null;