I wonder if there is a way to load fonts from a Swift Package at the moment? The font files are there in the package but the compiled program can't locate them.
From Swift 5.3, you can add any resources
to the target, including images, assets, fonts, zip, etc. Using the directory name will include all subfiles of the directory:
name: "ABUIKit",
dependencies: [],
resources: [.process("Resources") // <- this will add Resource directory to the target
Note that you should put the Resources
folder under sources/packageName
to make it recognizable.
You need to register fonts to make it work. So you can use frameworks like FontBlaster.
NOTE: You can always write your own code, but I prefer to use an existing framework and contribute my extra needs to them
So you call this somewhere early in the module's code (like some init method):
FontBlaster.blast(bundle: .module)
Then you can use the font inside or even outside of the module!
It will register all included fonts automatically. You can double-check the loaded fonts right after calling the blast method:
FontBlaster.loadedFonts.forEach { print("🔠", $0) }