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How to stop swiftui from moving content off screen in HStack?

I want the SF Images to automatically go to the next line. I understand that HStack would keep content on the same line but, I am not able to come up with a solution on preventing it from going off screen. I have also tried using geometry reader but that also doesn't work.

struct SplitTextView: View {
    static let input = "B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB, LB, LB"
    let letters = input.components(separatedBy: ", ")
    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geo in
            HStack (spacing: 10) {
                ForEach(0..<self.letters.count) { index in
                    ButtonGeneratorView(buttonKey: self.letters[index])
            }.frame(width: geo.size.width/2)

struct ButtonGeneratorView: View {
    let buttonKey: String
    let color: [String : Color] = ["Y" : Color.yellow,
                                   "B" :,
                                   "A" :,
                                   "X" :
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            if buttonKey.count == 1 {
                Image(systemName: "\(buttonKey.lowercased()).circle.fill")
                    .font(.system(size: 32))
            else {
                Image(systemName: "")//SF images for unknown
                .font(.system(size: 32))


  • SwiftUI 2.0

    Use LazyVGrid as in demo below


    struct SplitTextView: View {
        static let input = "B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB, LB, LB"
        let letters = input.components(separatedBy: ", ")
        let layout = [
            GridItem(.adaptive(minimum:32), spacing: 10)
        var body: some View {
            LazyVGrid(columns: layout, spacing: 10){
                ForEach(0..<self.letters.count) { index in
                    ButtonGeneratorView(buttonKey: self.letters[index])

    SwiftUI 1.0

    There is no native built-in feature for this. The solution for similar problem I provided in SwiftUI HStack with wrap and dynamic height, and it can be adapted for this task as well.