I would like to Delete the Registry in Windows Machine using a perl command. How can I do that . I tried few command from Internet it is getting executed but not deleted Please provide help !! The below code executes , but doesn't delete the Reg Key
use warnings;
use strict;
use Win32::TieRegistry( Delimiter=>"/", ArrayValues=>0 );
my $myway= delete $Registry->{"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Keypath"};
print "Done";
First you need the right permission to delete a registry key (try run the Perl script from a CMD with admin privileges), second according to the documentation you can only delete a key provided it does not contain any subkeys:
You can use the Perl delete function to delete a value from a Registry key or to delete a subkey as long that subkey contains no subkeys of its own.
Third, even if you run with admin privileges there can still be keys that you cannot delete, see this Q&A for more information.
So if you want to delete an entire subtree, you need to iterate bottom up through the tree and delete each subkey separately. Here is an example:
use feature qw(say);
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Win32::RunAsAdmin qw(force);
use Win32API::Registry qw(regLastError KEY_READ KEY_WRITE);
use Win32::TieRegistry( Delimiter=>"/", ArrayValues=>0 );
# Choose the top root node that should be deleted
# Note: This and all its subkeys will be deleted from the registry.
# Note: Will only succeed if you have permission to write to each sub key
my $top_key_name = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Directory/Background/shell/Foo";
my $tree = $Registry->Open(
{ Access=>KEY_READ()|KEY_WRITE(), Delimiter=>"/" }
die "Could not open key $top_key_name: $^E" if !defined $tree;
delete_subtree( $tree, my $level = 0);
sub delete_subtree {
my ($tree, $level) = @_;
my $path = $tree->Path();
my @subkeys = $tree->SubKeyNames();
for my $name (@subkeys) {
my $subtree = $tree->{$name."/"};
if (!defined $subtree) {
die "Cannot access subkey $name for $path: " . regLastError() . ". Abort.";
if (ref $subtree) {
delete_subtree($subtree, $level + 1);
else {
die "Subkey $name for $path is not a hash ref. Abort.";
# assuming the previous recursive code has deleted all sub keys of the
# current key, we can now try delete this key
say "Trying to delete $path ..";
my $res = delete $Registry->{$path};
if (!defined $res) {
die "..Failed to delete key : $^E";
else {
say " -> success";