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Flink requires local path for hive conf directory but how to give that path if we are submitting flink job on yarn? According to this link, Flink requires local hive conf folder path but I need to submit the Flink job at yarn so Flink try to find path in yarn container e.g. /mnt/volume4/yarn/nm/usercache/akashkumar.patel/appcache/application_1594626939821_80078/container_e83_1594626939821_80078_01_000002/hdfs:/warehousestore/hive/warehouse/db/hive_conf/hive-site.xml

How can we handle it?, I just need to create a partition for the hive table.Is there any way to give hdfs folder location for hive-conf folder?


  • You can download hive-site.xml from remote HDFS location and put locally into the container.