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How do I email individuals with csv files?

I am fairly new to python, and I am trying to write a code that will take a csv file and email all the emails in one row, while switching the names each time. Here is what I wrote:

import smtplib
import csv

def nobrackets(current):
    return str(current).replace('[','').replace(']','')
def noastrick(current):
    return str(current).replace('\'','').replace('\'','')

sender_email = "xxxxxxxxx"

password = "xxxxxxxxx"

server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
server.login(sender_email, password)
print("Login success")
with open('Emails.csv','r') as csv_file:
    for line in csv_reader:
        message=('Hey', noastrick(nobrackets(names)),'how are you doing?')
        server.sendmail(sender_email, line, message)

The problem is, I get logged in successfully, but then I get a bunch of text about File/System/Library things and it gives me the error: TypeError: expected string or buffer. Anyone know what is going on?


  • It might be helpful if you post the entire error message. That being said, just as a guess, it could be related to your message string - it looks like you're passing a tuple as your message rather than a string.

    Instead of: message=('Hey', noastrick(nobrackets(names)),'how are you doing?')

    Perhaps try: message=(f'Hey {noastrick(nobrackets(names))} how are you doing?')

    The suggestion uses an f string literal to make one string with the results of your functions inserted directly into the string as a string, so your message variable will contain a string and not a tuple.