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Block Finder - Like Function

I have a large string (more than 255 char) called strBlockText. This string includes random text and block numbers. The block numbers should to be in the format ###Block####-## (IE: 245Block6533-56) but sometimes someone enters the wrong block number format in the text - for example ##Block####-## or ###Block###-## or ##Block###-##...etc.

**Note, this is for plain text only.

I want to write a function that will be able to state, "Wrong block number format identified." when the block number is fat fingered.

This is the text I'm using as a sample:

This is a Test that we need to figure out why this isn’t working. 24Block1234-23 This is a Test that we need to figure out why this isn’t working. 245Block4234-14 This is a Test that we need to figure out why this isn’t working. This is a Test that 245Block6533-56 we need to figure out why this isn’t working.

This is the code...that I feel should work but isn't:

Dim strBlockText As String
Dim strBlockCheck As String

If (((strBlockText Like "*##Block####-##*") or _
     (strBlockText Like "*###Block###-##*") or _
     (strBlockText Like "*##Block###-##*")) And _
 (Not strBlockText Like "*###Block####-##*")) Then

    strBlockCheck = "Wrong block number format identified."


    strBlockCheck = "Block number format acceptable."

End If

Would it be better to use a regex for this instead of like? there a reason like isn't working?


  • Consider this Sub using RegExp object with late binding:

    Sub testRegExp2(strS)
    Dim regexOne As Object, Matches As Object, Match As Object
    'Set regexOne = New RegExp
    Set regexOne = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    regexOne.Pattern = "[0-9]+Block[0-9]+-[0-9]+"
    regexOne.Global = True
    Set Matches = regexOne.Execute(strS)
    For Each Match In Matches
        If Not Match Like "###Block####-##" Then
            Debug.Print "Wrong block number format identified: " & Match
            Debug.Print "Block number format acceptable: " & Match
        End If
    End Sub