I have multi-tenant rails application with apartment gem I can successfully switch database tenant in each worker using apartment-sidekiq. But sidekiq workers are using same redis server for all the tenant. I want to have complete isolation on redis as well. Is there a way in which I can use the separate redis host for each tenant without impact much code changes using sidekiq middeware.
Sample Tenant config
tenant_1: ConnectionPool.new { Redis.new(url: ENV['REDIS_URL1']) },
tenant_2: ConnectionPool.new { Redis.new(url: ENV['REDIS_URL2']) }
Eg. Worker
class SendMailWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(args)
puts "In Worker Tenant: #{Apartment::Tenant.current}, #{Sidekiq.redis_pool.inspect}"
Client middleware
class MyMiddleware::Client::ChangeRedisPool
def call(worker_class, job, queue, redis_pool)
#Can I change redis pool/client here to execute job in separate redis
Server middleware
class MyMiddleware::Server::ChangeServerRedisPool
def call(worker, job, queue)
#Can I change redis pool/client here to execute job in separate redis
I know we can execute worker with specific connection pool like following, but this will end up changing code at every sidekiq worker invocation.
Sidekiq::Client.via(TENANT_POOL[:tenant_1]) { SendMailWorker.perform_async("d") } # run on tenant 1 sidekiq
Sidekiq::Client.via(TENANT_POOL[:tenant_2]) { SendMailWorker.perform_async("d") } # run on tenant 1 sidekiq
How we can achieve multi tenancy with sidekiq and separate redis?
You need to start a separate Sidekiq process for each Redis. Your client can dynamically target a Redis pool like this:
SendMailWorker.set("pool" => POOLx).perform_async(...)
Look at the code for Sidekiq::Client and Sidekiq::Worker for details.