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Image caching in Github?

Is there any caching policy of images in GitHub?
I am facing trouble while rendering an image from an API. The image works fine when I open it in the browser.
However, Github renders some older version of that image.

How can I workaround this issue or is there any fix?


  • Considering this netlify/netlify-cms PR, maybe adding the ts=$(date) as parameter of a GitHub API v3 call would be enough of a "cache busting" for your need.

    From the code:

    const cacheBuster = new Date().getTime();
    const params = [`ts=${cacheBuster}`];
    if (options.params) {
      for (const key in options.params) {
        params.push(`${ key }=${ encodeURIComponent(options.params[key]) }`);
    if (params.length) {
      path += `?${ params.join("&") }`;
    return this.api_root + path;

    This adds a &ts=xxx timestamp parameter to the call.