I am trying to create a Cloudfront distribution for a subdomain, e.g. dev.example.com. However, after adding the details for the objects origin and I enter the alternate domain names (CNAMES) section and add: dev.example.com I get the following error when I click on create distribution:
com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.model.InvalidViewerCertificateException: To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to a CloudFront distribution, you must attach a trusted certificate that validates your authorization to use the domain name. For more details, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/CNAMEs.html#alternate-domain-names-requirements (Service: AmazonCloudFront; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidViewerCertificate; Request ID: fb305ccd-21e7-4bf8-a55c-df1304c06ac1; Proxy: null)
I am managing my domian dns through Route 53. I've created a certificate through ACM already, but the option to select a custom SSL certificate is greyed out. I've gone through the AWS Docs and couldn't find any solution so far.
This error indicates that the certificate that is attempting to be used is incorrect.
Your ACM certificate must be created in us-east-1
for a CloudFront distribution. The reason for this is that CloudFront is a global service, global services can only attach regional services that exist within us-east-1
. They also will appear in CloudWatch and CloudTrail under the region of us-east-1
It must also cover the domain you're using. In your case either dev.example.com
or *.example.com
must be included on your certificate.