Search code examples

Nested cursor performance tuning

I have 2 cursors , one to fetch records from a table of 50 columns and 10,000 + data and another to check if a particular column exists in another big table (2 million data). I should write to a file all the records from cursor 1 for a year , if that column exists in cursor 2 then i should print an error message as exists and not delete them . If it does not exist then i should delete the row and write it to the same file and message as record deleted. I used a nested cursor , the performance is too bad as it is processing each row from cursor 1 against cursor 2 , every time .

       CURSOR cursor1
             select a.* ,a.rowid
              FROM table1 a 
              WHERE a.table1.year = p_year;
    CURSOR check_c2(lv_cd )
      Select DISTINCT 'Y' 
       from table2
       where table2 ='R'
       AND table2.year= p_year
       and table2_code= lv_cd ;

   FOR r in cursor1 LOOP
            EXIT WHEN cursor1%NOTFOUND;
              OPEN check_c2(;
              FETCH check_c2 INTO lv_check;
                IF check_c2%NOTFOUND THEN
                    lv_check :='N';
                END IF;
                CLOSE check_c2;
                  IF lv_check ='Y' THEN
                   lv_msg =(r.col1,r.col2....r.col50, R code exists do not delete)
                   utl_file.put_line(lv_log_file, lv_msg, autoflush=>TRUE);
                  DELETE from table1 where rowid= r.rowid
                  lv_msg =(r.col1,r.col2....r.col50, delete row)
                   utl_file.put_line(lv_log_file, lv_msg, autoflush=>TRUE);
                   END IF;
                   END LOOP;


  • Don't have enough reputation to write comments som will write as an answer.

    Didn't you try to add some time marks to understand which parts are the most time spending?

    Does table2 have index by year and code? What's the explain plan of cursor2 query? If yes - how many rows are there average for year+code combination? If the amount of data selected overall from table 2 is huge - then it probably can be faster to do a single query with full scan/index range scan by year on table2, grouping and hash left outer join from table1 to table2 like

    select a.*, a.rowid, nvl2(c.code, 'Y', 'N') check_col
    from table1 a,
        select distinct code
        from table2 b
        where b.year = p_year
    ) c
    where a.year = p_year
      and c.code(+) =