I am running a nant task to package all the source files into a zip and in the same task, I want to run a svn diff command on one particular folder to notify changes made within that source. The command that I want to execute, in its simplest form, from the command prompt is :
svn diff $Special_Folder$ > Changes_In_$Special_Folder$.patch
I have the following xml in a nant target
<svn command="diff"
uri ="http://SVN-server/PATH/To/Src">
However, I am getting an error from svn that says
What am I doing wrong?
I figured out a way to get this done. The solution does not involve the nant task . I was able to get it done through the task.
<target name="takeDiff" >
<echo message="Taking svn diff of Database scripts... "/>
<exec program="svn.exe"
commandline="diff Database/Scripts"
<echo message="Diff is in ${build.dir}\script_Diff.patch... "/>