Posts I've viewed: How to Install Python Development Tools on MSYS2
I'm trying to run pyinstaller in msys2, but I'm getting the following error:
OSError: Python library not found:
python38.dll, libpython3.8.dll, libpython38.dll, libpython3.8m.dll, libpython38m.dll
This would mean your Python installation doesn't come with proper library files.
This usually happens by missing development package, or unsuitable build parameters of Python installation.
* On Debian/Ubuntu, you would need to install Python development packages
* apt-get install python3-dev
* apt-get install python-dev
* If you're building Python by yourself, please rebuild your Python with `--enable-shared` (or, `--enable-framework` on Darwin)
Here's what I've tried installing in MSYS2 using pacman:
Unfortunately, I get the same error every time. I've also tried setting my path variable to every place I could think of that might have these libraries, and even one spot that I know has libpython3.8.dll
but it was no help.
Thanks in advance!
It looks like
pip install python-dev-tools
was what I was looking for.