I have the following method that makes a request to get a pokemon from a endpoint.
I would like to prevent the user in making rapid requests by clicking quickly on the button that will invoke this method many times. I have used the throttle* methods and debounce.
Bascially, what I am looking for if the user rapidly clicks on the button within 300 milliseconds duration it should accept the last click in that duration. However, what i am experiencing is that all requests are being made. i.e. if the user rapidly clicks 3x within that duration I still get 3 requests.
fun getPokemonDetailByName(name: String) {
.throttleFirst(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
onSuccess = { pokemon ->
pokemonDetailLiveData.value = pokemon
onError = {
Timber.e(TAG, it.localizedMessage)
Thanks for all the answers.
However, I found a solution that works using RxBinding with debounce operator. I'm posting here as it could be useful to someone else.
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): PokemonViewHolder {
binding = PokemonListItemBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false)
val pokemonViewHolder = PokemonViewHolder(binding.root)
.debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
onNext = {
val name = pokemonList[pokemonViewHolder.adapterPosition].name
if(::pokemonTapped.isInitialized) {
onError = { Timber.e(it, "Failed to send pokemon request %s", it.localizedMessage) }
return pokemonViewHolder