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How to break ties when comparing columns in SQL

I am trying to delete duplicates in Postgres. I am using this as the base of my query:

DELETE FROM case_file as p
    SELECT FROM case_file as p1
    WHERE p1.serial_no = p.serial_no
    AND p1.cfh_status_dt < p.cfh_status_dt

It works well, except that when the dates cfh_status_dt are equal then neither of the records are removed.

For rows that have the same serial_no and the date is the same, I would like to keep the one that has a registration_no (if any do, this column also has NULLS).

Is there a way I can do this with all one query, possibly with a case statement or another simple comparison?


  • DELETE FROM case_file AS p
    WHERE  id NOT IN (
       SELECT DISTINCT ON (serial_no) id  -- id = PK
       FROM   case_file 
       ORDER  BY serial_no, cfh_status_dt DESC, registration_no

    This keeps the (one) latest row per serial_no, choosing the smallest registration_no if there are multiple candidates.

    NULL sorts last in default ascending order. So any row with a not-null registration_no is preferred.

    If you want the greatest registration_no instead, to still sort NULL values last, use:

       ORDER  BY serial_no, cfh_status_dt DESC, registration_no DESC NULLS LAST


    If you have no PK (PRIMARY KEY) or other UNIQUE NOT NULL (combination of) column(s) you can use for this purpose, you can fall back to ctid. See:

    NOT IN is typically not the most efficient way. But this deals with duplicates involving NULL values. See:

    If there are many duplicates - and you can afford to do so! - it can be (much) more efficient to create a new, pristine table of survivors and replace the old table, instead of deleting the majority of rows in the existing table.

    Or create a temporary table of survivors, truncate the old and insert from the temp table. This way depending objects like views or FK constraints can stay in place. See:

    Surviving rows are simply:

    SELECT DISTINCT ON (serial_no) *
    FROM   case_file 
    ORDER  BY serial_no, cfh_status_dt DESC, registration_no;