I'm trying to get GDAL to work in Google App Engine. I've been following this post. I've got a similar app.yaml and Dockerfile alongside my script and requirements.txt as a part of my deployment folder. I'm getting the following error after running
gcloud app deploy
Updating service [default] (this may take several minutes)...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [13] Flex operation projects
error [INTERNAL]: An internal error occurred while processing task
2020-07-20T19:50:34.913Z71509.jo.14: Deployment Manager operation
errors: [code: "RESOURCE_ERROR" location: "/deployments/aef-default 20200720t144747/resources/aef-default-20200720t144747"
message: "{\"ResourceType\":\"compute.beta.regionAutoscaler\",\"ResourceErrorCode\":\"403\",\"ResourceErrorMessage\":{\"code\":403,\"message\":\"The caller does not have permission\",\"status\":\"PERMISSION_DENIED\",\"statusMessage\":\"Forbidden\",
After doing some looking around, Error Response [13] seems to be associated with permissions. I have the Owner role in the IAM, so I'm not sure that's the issue. If anybody has any suggestions of things to try, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I've ran into similar issues and the workaround was to specify the number of instances to a maximum of two, this can be done either through manual_scaling or max_num_instances while using automatic scaling.
Your app.yaml file would something similar to:
Using automatic scaling
runtime: custom
env: flex
entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT mysite.wsgi
python_version: 3.7
min_num_instances: 1
max_num_instances: 2
Using manual scaling:
runtime: custom
env: flex
entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT mysite.wsgi
python_version: 3.7
instances: 2