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limiting the size and type of data in ir.attachment field odoo 12

I need to create a ir.attachment field to upload datas by the user side,but i have to restrict the data type and size,how can i achieve it

my python field is :-

test = fields.Many2many('ir.attachment',string='Test')


  • You can use constrains to check test field.

    Use mimetype and file_size fields to check the data type and size, the attachment size shown in the many2many list is computed using binaryToBinsize function from core/utils.js which divides the length by 1.37 then convert it to human size (divide by 1024 repeatedly).


    Force users to select only text files smaller than 10M
    def _check_attachments(self):
        for attachment in self.test:
            if attachment.mimetype != 'text/plain' or attachment.file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024:
                raise ValidationError("Only text files smaller than 10M are allowed!")

    To prevent users from creating attachments that are not plain text files smaller than 10M using the test field list:

    Pass file_size and mimetype in the context:

    <field name="test" context="{'file_size': 10*1024*1024, 'mimetype': 'text/plain'}">

    And add the constraints in the ir.attachment model.


    def human_size(size):
        units = "Bytes,Kb,Mb,Gb,Tb,Pb,Eb,Zb,Yb".split(',')
        i = 0
        while size >= 1024:
            size /= 1024
            i += 1
        return "%.4g %s " % (size, units[i])
    class IrAttachment(models.Model):
        _inherit = 'ir.attachment'
        @api.constrains('mimetype', 'file_size')
        def _check_mimetype_file_size(self):
            if 'mimetype' in  self.env.context and self.env.context['mimetype'] != self.mimetype:
                raise ValidationError("Only text files can be uploaded!")
            if 'file_size' in self.env.context and self.env.context['file_size'] < self.file_size:
                raise ValidationError("Only text files smaller than %s are allowed!" % human_size(self.env.context['file_size']))