I have an Athena class that has athena functionality. :
class _Athena:
Creates connection and runs queries against
AWS Athena.
def __init__(self, workgroup, database, params, query_string):
self._workgroup = workgroup
self._database = database
self.params = params
self._output_location = 's3://{bucket}/{path}'.format(
self._client = _get_client(self.params)
self._query_string = query_string
def _get_query_details(self, query_id):
Gets Athena query details.
:param query_id: id of athena query.
:type query_id: str
while True:
response_get_query_details = self._client.get_query_execution(
status = response_get_query_details['QueryExecution'][
LOGGER.info('Athena query status %s', status)
if status in ('FAILED', 'CANCELLED'):
raise Exception('Athena query with the string "{}" failed or'
' was cancelled'.format(self._query_string))
if status == 'SUCCEEDED':
location = response_get_query_details['QueryExecution'][
LOGGER.info("Athena output location: %s", location)
return response_get_query_details
# if status of query is running or queued, wait
I want to mock _get_query_details as part of my unit test. Here is the. function that I wrote to test it:
client = boto3.client('athena', 'us-east-1')
@mock.patch.object(client, 'get_query_execution')
def test_get_query_details(mock_class, mock_client):
success = {'QueryExecution': {'Status': {'State': 'SUCCEEDED'}}}
mock_client.return_value = success
result = mock_class.return_value._get_query_details('id')
tools.assert_equal(success, result)
However it fails with the following error :
AssertionError: {'QueryExecution': {'Status': {'State': 'SUCCEEDED'}}} != <MagicMock name='_Athena()._get_query_details()' id='4786490336'>
In principle this test should pass based in the state is SUCCEEDED. Any ideas what I might be. doing wrong here.
I was able to achieve that by the following :
params = {
"region": "us-east-1",
"bucket": "temp-prod",
"path": "path/to/obj"
_athena = module._Athena('workgroup',
'select * from query'
@mock.patch.object(_athena._client, 'get_query_execution')
def test_get_query_details_on_success(mock_client):
success = {
'QueryExecution': {
'Status': {
'State': 'SUCCEEDED'
'OutputLocation': 's3://output'
mock_client.return_value = success
result = _athena._get_query_details('id')
tools.assert_equal(success, result)