If I do the following:
select * from myTable
I get:
Column 1 | Column 2
1 | Create
1 | Delete
2 | Create
3 | Create
4 | Create
4 | Delete
5 | Create
I want to perform a select statement where I only pull the rows that have a unique number for column 1
In otherwords I am looking for this result:
Column 1 | Column 2
2 | Create
3 | Create
5 | Create
Not sure exactly how to pull this off with only one statement or if there even is a way to do that. Thanks!
If there are not duplicate (column1, column2)
tuples, one option is not exists
select t.*
from mytable t
where not exists (
select 1 from mytable t1 where t1.column1 = t.column1 and t1.column2 <> t.column2