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Overlapping letters in tics and labels gnuplot 5.4

I have recently updated my gnuplot to the latest 5.4. I find problems with the labels and tics using the pngcairo terminal. For example, taking a simplified example from the official website

set terminal pngcairo enhanced font "arial,20" fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 
set output 'pm3d6.png'
set pm3d map
splot sin(sqrt(x**2+y**2))/sqrt(x**2+y**2)

I get a figure that looks fine, but letters in the labels and tics overlap in a strange way. Any idea about why this happens?

Gnuplot output


  • Very likely a known bug in the pango/cairo libraries. The only solution I have seen is to downgrade to a working version of libpango (1.43 rather than 1.44). See

    Gnuplot PDF Terminal Exhibits Font Issues on Mac