How to get entity table name ? (ex: member-pre-sale-detail) I want to set table comment
// Seeder: Clear & set Comment
export default class ClearAllSeed implements Seeder {
public async run(factory: Factory, connection: Connection): Promise<void> {
const deleteEntities = [
{table: OrderHead, comment: '訂單/主表'},
for(const entity of deleteEntities){
await connection
await connection
// >>>> but table name is MemberPreSaleDetail not member-pre-sale-detail
.query(`alter table ${} comment '${entity.comment}'`);
// Sampel Entity
export class MemberPreSaleDetail {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn({unsigned: true})
id?: number;
@Column({comment: '幾批(整批)', type: 'mediumint', default: 0})
batchQty: number;
get the 'member-pre-sale-detail' string
I am guessing you are using TypeORM. In that case:
You could get the entity metadata by calling connection.getMetadata(MemberPreSaleDetail)
This method returns an EntityMetadata, which has name
, tableName
and givenTableName
properties. For your usecase I guess you could simply use givenTableName