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Spring Boot REST API display response results in the format

I want to display the response result in the following format:

    "name":""My Name",
    ...   : ...

But I only display each data result as follows:

    "name":""My Name",
    ...   : ...

This is the code snippet that displays the response result

  • Controller
 @GetMapping(value = "categorie")
    fun getAllFoodCategories(@Param(value = "key") key:String): ResponseEntity<List<Category>> {

        if (key==AppUtils.APY_KEY){
            var foodCategories: List<Category> = foodCategoryRespository.findAll()
            return if(!foodCategories.isEmpty()){
                foodCategories.forEach { v ->
                    run {
                ResponseEntity(foodCategories, HttpStatus.OK)

            return ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
  • The model class
@Entity(name = "categories")
data class Category(
        @Column(name = "id")
        val id: Int,
        @get: NotBlank
        @Column(name = "name")
        val name: String

Can someone help me with the answer, Thanks you.


  • You can't return different elements as a list, but you can return as an object, which contains a list of category. Like this:

            "name":""My Name",
            ...   : ...

    For this, create a model like:

    data class MyResponse(
       val author: String,
       val statusCode: String,
       val message: String,
       val description: String,
       val data: List<Category>

    Then return with:

    fun getAllFoodCategories(@Param(value = "key") key:String): ResponseEntity<MyResponse> {...}