We have a log table that has a message column that sometimes has an exception stack trace. I have some criteria that determines if the message has this. We do not want to show these messages to the customer but instead have a message like:
Internal Error Occured. Contact US with reference code xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
where xxx etc is a guid column in the table. I am writing stored proc like this:
declare @exceptionCriteria nvarchar(50)
select @exceptionCriteria = '%<enter criteria etc>%'
select LogDate,
when Message like @exceptionCriteria
then 'Internal Error Occured. Reference Code: ' + str(RequestID)
else Message
from UpdateQueue
is a Guid datatype in SQL Server and does not convert to string here. I've seen some code on how to convert a Guid to string, but it is multi-lined and I don't think it would work in a case statement. Any ideas?
I think I found the answer:
convert(nvarchar(36), RequestID)
Here's the link where I found this info: