When trying to mock a method declared as
def foo: Int
val mock = mock[MyClass]
(mock.foo _).expects().returning(10)
I get an error
Error: Methods without a parameter list and by-name params can no longer be converted to functions as `m _`, write a function literal `() => m` instead
There's a tip to write a function literal instead but I don't quite understand how to convert my code into an equivalent function literal.
Nice to see people using ScalaMock 5 already! Our test case in the unit tests looks like this:
def noParamMethod(): String
related test for it:
(() => mockedTrait.noParamMethod()).expects().returning("yey")
It's here in the code: https://github.com/paulbutcher/ScalaMock/blob/master/shared/src/test/scala/org/scalamock/test/mockable/TestTrait.scala
and the test for it: https://github.com/paulbutcher/ScalaMock/blob/22c26174bfb99b403af2be38ab35cabfe58f4c5f/shared/src/test/scala/org/scalamock/test/scalatest/BasicTest.scala#L39
Worth mentioning that this should only be needed for Scala 2.13 to satisfy compiler changes in that version.