I am using graphql to get some data from mongodb database. So, I was making an api which on running saves data in main collection but also saves data in some other collection with a couple of more data. I was trying to delete _id
from the data that I get on saving on main collection but it's not working and I can't figure out why.
Here's what's happening
const data = await User.getResolver('updateById').resolve({ //default resolver from graphql-compose library to update a record. Returns the whole document in record //
args: {...rp.args}
const version = '4'
const NewObject = _.cloneDeep(data.record);
NewObject.version = version;
NewObject.oldId = data._id;
_.unset(NewObject, '_id'); //this doesn't work neither does delete NewObject._id//
console.log('new obj is', NewObject, version, NewObject._id, _.unset(NewObject, '_id')); //prints _id and surprisingly the unset in console.log is returning true that means it is successfully deleting the property//
I am very confused to what I am doing wrong.
Edit: Sorry should have mentioned, but according to lodash docs _.unset
returns true
if it successfully deletes a property.
Turn's out mongoDb makes _id
as a Non configurable property. So, to do this I had to make use of toObject()
method to make an editable copy of my object.
const NewObject = _.cloneDeep(data.record).toObject();
With this I was able to delete _id
Alternatively _.omit of lodash also works.