I try to checkout in Bamboo from Git repository in DevOpsAzure and see next:
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:55 Submodule '***' (***) registered for path '***'
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:55 Cloning into '***'...
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:55 Warning: Permanently added 'vs-ssh.visualstudio.com,**IP**' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:56 remote: Public key authentication failed.
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:56 fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:56
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:56 Please make sure you have the correct access rights
simple 18-Jul-2020 15:11:56 and the repository exists.
Submodule configured as ssh path. Base git-repository and git-submodule-repository location at same DevOps Azure.
I see Base git-repository checkout is OK, but git-submodule is not OK.
Where is my wrong?!
You can try to create a PAT on azure devops and set up a repo on Bamboo like this:
Authentication type: None