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Marsmhallow ValidationError on _schema - Invalid Input Type

I've been trying to figure out what is causing this input type error but can't seem to figure it out.


from sqlalchemy import Column, String

class Pin(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'pin'

    pin = Column(String, primary_key=True)


from import Pin
from marshmallow import fields, validate

class PinSchema(ma.Schema):
    pin = fields.Str(required=True, validate=[validate.Length(5)])

    class Meta:
        model = Pin
        fields = ('pin')

pin_schema = PinSchema()


from flask_restful import Resource
from flask import request
from import pin_schema

class PinResource(Resource):

        Update current pin
            'pin': 'current_pin'
            'new_pin': 'new_pin'
    def patch(self):
        data = request.get_json()
        errors = pin_schema.validate(data['new_pin'])

        if errors:
            return { "message": errors }, 400

        return { 'tmp': 'tmp' }, 200

Request i'm sending through Postman

    "pin": "12345"
    "new_pin": "123456"

The response from server

    "message": {
        "_schema": [
            "Invalid input type."

I've tried to check the type of new_pin with type(new_pin) and that just returns <class 'str'>

Am I missing something? Shouldn't new_pin pass validation unless it's not castable into a string or shorter than 5 characters?

I've looked at This as this is the only one that I have found that is similar to mine but it doesn't seem to match my case.


  • PinSchema expects an input like

    {'pin': '2465735452347'}

    while you're passing it


    You could adapt the input by embeddeding it into a dict to match expected structure.

    Better, you could define a resource input schema that would expect

        'pin': {'pin': '2465735452347'},
        'new_pin': {'pin': '2465735452347'},

    so you can check the whole input at once.