I have data in a view where the Col_Head column values are supposed to be column headers(they are constant for every sequence of data from 1-8.
And Value
column entries need to come as row values.
I need to write some SQL that transposes/pivots rows from Col_Head as column headers.
Expected data:
If you had a specific Id for each person then you didn't need to create CTE, any way
First, I create specific Id for each person like this via CTE
/*Create CTE*/
With tempTable as
row_number() over( order by(select 0) ) row_num,
from myTable
),newTable as(
case when (row_num %8)>0 then (row_num /8)+1 else (row_num /8) end sp_Id,
from tempTable
from (select sp_id, Col_Header,[Value] from newTable )as temp
for Col_Header in ([Emp name],[Emp Dept],[Emp Grade],[Emp class],[Emp Sal],[Emp manager],[Emp Date of join],[Emp documents])
) pivotTable