This is an oversimplification of what I'm trying to achieve using combine.
I need to inject a value into a shared publisher if something happen.
Here you see that if the number 2 is received by map I use the send command on the original publisher to inject the number 3.
I would expect to receive a sequence of number but instead I receive the number 3 before the event that triggered it.
let pub = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>()
let pubSharered = pub.share().eraseToAnyPublisher()
let anyCanc = pubSharered
.map { value -> Int in
switch value {
case 2:
return value
return value
}.sink { (value) in
print("Sink: \(value)")
The output is: 0,1,3,2,4
what I was expecting is 0,1,2,3,4
Can someone explain it?
This seems like a use case for flatMap
. You can flat map to a Publishers.Sequence<[Int], Never>
like this:
let anyCanc = pubSharered
.flatMap { value -> Publishers.Sequence<[Int], Never> in
switch value {
case 2:
return [value, 3].publisher // value, plus a 3
return [value].publisher // change nothing
}.sink { (value) in
print("Sink: \(value)")