I am trying to send multiple hits in a single request to Google Analytics ! Sometimes it sends one or two hits, sometimes it doesn't send at all !
I have tried to do the same thing, placing \n after each hit in my request https://www.google-analytics.com/batch?v=1&t=event&tid=UA-XXXXX-1&cid=555&ec=video&ea=play&el=holiday&ev=300\nv=1&t=event&tid=UA-XXXXXX-1&cid=555&ec=test&ea=test&el=test&ev=test
But still, sometimes it sends one or two hits, sometimes it doesn't send anything ! Please, help me to deal with this issue !
It looks like you are using wrong ev values, event value cannot be string it can only be integers. And you are passing ev = test for 2 entries. Check This
For more details on the GA parameters and its value check this