The following Spock test is failing to not counting the call to the Mock method:
def setup() {
mojo = new PactCreateVersionTagMojo()
mojo.pactBrokerUrl = 'http://broker:1234'
mojo.pacticipant = 'test'
mojo.pacticipantVersion = '1234'
mojo.tag = 'testTag'
def 'calls pact broker client with mandatory arguments'() {
mojo.brokerClient = Mock(PactBrokerClient)
1 * mojo.brokerClient.createVersionTag(
'test', '1234', 'testTag')
You can find it here.
The SUT code, removing the argument validation code, is:
class PactCreateVersionTagMojo : PactBaseMojo() {
override fun execute() {
private fun createVersionTag() =
brokerClient!!.createVersionTag(pacticipant!!, pacticipantVersion.orEmpty(), tag.orEmpty())
You can find it here.
The error is as follows:
I have a very similar example on the same project that passes just fine:
def 'passes optional parameters to the pact broker client'() {
mojo.latest = 'true' = 'prod'
mojo.brokerClient = Mock(PactBrokerClient)
1 * mojo.brokerClient.canIDeploy('test', '1234',
new Latest.UseLatest(true), 'prod') >> new CanIDeployResult(true, '', '')
override fun execute() {
val result = brokerClient!!.canIDeploy(pacticipant!!, pacticipantVersion.orEmpty(), latest, to)
You can find the test above here and the SUT here.
I have investigated the call that happens during the test, and it seems as expected. Additionally, I try to create the verification with wildcard argument constraints, but it still didn't work.
It seems to me that I have misconfigured my test, but I can't spot the difference between the test that passes and my failing test.
Your fun createVersionTag(..)
looks like this:
fun createVersionTag(
pacticipant: String,
pacticipantVersion: String,
tag: String) {
I do not speak Kotlin, but I think you ought to open
the method because otherwise it is final, which means it cannot be overridden by a subclass and thus not be mocked or stubbed by conventional means. This is also the difference to open fun canIDeploy(..)