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How to test my scala json after creating the implicit classes

I am using specs2 and want to test my json reads that I created.

I have my case classes and implicits created like:

object ComputerImplicits {
   implicit val partReads = Json.reads[Part]
   implicit val computerReads = Json.reads[Computer]

I have a sample json file in my test/resources/computer.json folder.

I am loading the JSON file as a string like this:

val jsonString = Source.fromURL(getClass.getResource("/computer.json")).mkString

I brought the implicits in scope:

import ComputerImplicits._

Now how do I take my case classes and use the json string and attempt to parse it and match it to test if it is working correctly?

I am using Plays json macros


  • Assuming you use Play JSON:

    final class FooSpec extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification {
      "Json" should {
        "be ok" in {
          Json.parse(jsonString).validate[YourType] must_=== JsSuccess(expectedVal)

    Also implicit related to a type are usually declared in its companion object (rather than in a shared object).