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Inherited return type with contravariant type parameter

I have a trait with covariant type A that declares (among others) this method:

sealed trait MaxPQ[+U] {
def insert[K >: U : Ordering](v: K): this.type

abstract class AbstractMaxPQ[U : Ordering] extends MaxPQ[U]

I also have this mix-in that I need to use:

trait FindMin[U] {

  self: AbstractMaxPQ[U] =>

I am returning this.type because I want Node or Array based implementations of the priority queue to return current types and not MaxPQ[U].

In the array based implementation I have the following:

class ArrayMaxPQ[U : Ordering : ClassTag] ...extends AbstractMaxPQ[U] with FindMin[U]{
override def insert[K >: U : Ordering](v: K): ArrayMaxPQ[U] = ???

this is what is auto-generated by my IDE. Of course I need this method to return ArrayMaxPQ[K]. this.type doesn't take type parameters. Using higher-kinded types here also wouldn't work

def insert[K >: U : Ordering, G[_] <: MaxPQ[_]](v: K): G[K]

since G cannot be parameterized with self type in children.

I am a bit confused since this feels like a simple requirement but I cannot find language feature/syntax required to implement it.


  • Maybe you want the return type to be wider than this.type but narrower than just MaxPQ[U]. Then try to introduce a type member

    sealed trait MaxPQ[+U] {
      type This <: MaxPQ[U]
      // type This >: this.type <: MaxPQ[U] { type This = MaxPQ.this.This }
      def insert[K >: U : Ordering](v: K): This
    abstract class AbstractMaxPQ[U : Ordering] extends MaxPQ[U] {
      override type This <: AbstractMaxPQ[U]
      // override type This >: this.type <: AbstractMaxPQ[U] { type This = AbstractMaxPQ.this.This }
    class ArrayMaxPQ[U : Ordering : ClassTag] extends AbstractMaxPQ[U] {
      override type This = ArrayMaxPQ[U]
      override def insert[K >: U : Ordering](v: K): ArrayMaxPQ[U] = ???

    Returning the "Current" Type in Scala

    If you want the return type to be parametrized with an upper bound of U try to make This higher-kinded

    sealed trait MaxPQ[+U] {
      type This[K >: U] <: MaxPQ[K]
      // type This[K >: U] <: MaxPQ[K] { type This[K1 >: K] = MaxPQ.this.This[K1] }
      def insert[K >: U : Ordering](v: K): This[K]
    abstract class AbstractMaxPQ[U : Ordering] extends MaxPQ[U] {
      override type This[K >: U] <: AbstractMaxPQ[K]
      // override type This[K >: U] <: AbstractMaxPQ[K] { type This[K1 >: K] = AbstractMaxPQ.this.This[K1] }
    class ArrayMaxPQ[U : Ordering : ClassTag] extends AbstractMaxPQ[U] {
      override type This[K >: U] = ArrayMaxPQ[K]
      override def insert[K >: U : Ordering](v: K): ArrayMaxPQ[K] = ???