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Sidekiq Job - How can I launch a job and each time change the parameter used?

I would like to launch a job which is going to calculate the points of each user of my web-App. Here is the problem, I would like to launch it automatically with sidekiq-scheduler. But I have trouble to understand how I can launch my job with an argument which is going to change. I mean I have to calculate the amount of points for each user, so the argument is going to change and take different user_id.

Here is my code :

class PointsjoueurJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default
  def perform(user_id)
@user = User.find(user_id)
    @playerseason = PlayerSeason.where(user_id:
    @forecasts = Forecast.where(player_season_id: @playerseason)
     points = []
     @forecasts.each do |forecast|
       if forecast.points_win.present? || forecast.points_lose.present?
         if forecast.points_win.present?
           points << forecast.points_win
         else forecast.points_lose.present?
           points << forecast.points_lose
         @playerseason.update(number_of_points: points.sum)

Right now if I want to launch it, I have to go to my console then type :


But I want to schedule this with sidekiq-scheduler. The goal is to trigger the work everyday at 01h00 (cron: '0 1 * * *')but I don't know how to set-up the argument in order for the job to iterate trough all the users.

Thank you by advance.


  • Assuming that you want to recalculate all users' totals, you can create a separate 'wrapper' job, which is scheduled, that in turn enqueues the individual recalculation jobs:

    class RecalcPointsJob < ApplicationJob
      queue_as :default
      def perform
        User.find_each do |u|

    If you are after a subset of users instead, substitute User.where() or User.find_by().