I have categories ({PHP.c}) that have their codes - for example guide.cu OR guide.us OR story.cu etc and
With this function I can get the root category
function get_root_cat($code)
return mb_substr($structure['page'][$code]['path'], 0, mb_strpos($structure['page'][$code]['path'], '.'));
So with {PHP.c|get_root_cat($this)} I can get 'guide' or 'story' etc.
But now structure gets more complicated and {PHP.c} looks like guide.cu.one, guide.cu.two or story.us.three
I need to find this: guide.cu.one or story.us.three
Does this solve your problem?
return explode(".", $structure['page'][$code]['path'])[1];
More info here: https://php.net/explode