I have a PowerPoint presentation with dozens of slides in Title only format but with image objects. The objects are usually (1) a big graph image, (2) one small legend image, and (3) another small legend image. The images are usually oversized, exceeding the slide dimensions or overlapping each other. I want to clean up the slide images using the following steps:
Update: Here's my code so far
from pptx import Presentation
import glob
from pptx.util import Inches
from pptx.enum.text import PP_ALIGN
f = open('C:\\Users\\7188712\\Desktop\\Script Validation\\XTI\\Blade2T_XTI (Tag1.7.1.40).pptx', 'rb')
prs = Presentation(f)
slides = prs.slides
for slide in prs.slides:
print('\nslide number ', slides.index(slide)+1, slide.shapes.title.text)
for shape in slide.shapes:
#if shape.shape_type == 13: #Type 13 means PICTURE type
#print("id: %s, height: %s, width: %s, ext: %s"% \
# (shape.shape_id, round(shape.height.inches,2), round(shape.width.inches,2), shape.image.ext))
print('id: %s, height: %s, width: %s'% \
(shape.shape_id, round(shape.height.inches,2), round(shape.width.inches,2)), shape.shape_type, shape.name)
if shape.name == 'Title 1':
shape.alignment = PP_ALIGN.LEFT
from pptx import Presentation
import glob
from pptx.util import Inches, Emu, Pt
from pptx.enum.text import PP_ALIGN
#Initialize variables
pic_start = 7 #Slide page where JMP graphs start
space_ht = Inches(6.3) #Space for images height
space_wt = Inches(13) #Space for images width
path = 'C:\\Users\\Name\\Desktop\Folder\\'
fname = 'filename'
#Open pptx
f = open(path+fname, 'rb')
prs = Presentation(f)
slides = prs.slides
#Scan each slide
for slide in prs.slides:
print('\nslide number ', slides.index(slide)+1, slide.shapes.title.text)
for shape in slide.shapes:
#Show all objects in the slide
print('id: %s, height: %s, width: %s, left: %s'%(shape.shape_id, round(shape.height.inches,2), round(shape.width.inches,2), \
round(shape.left.inches,2)), shape.shape_type, shape.name)
#Modify slide sections to section header-like format
if shape.shape_type == 17 and shape.text == '<change layout for title slide>': #Type 17 means TEXT_BOX type
shape.text = ''
slide.shapes[0].width = Inches(11.5)
slide.shapes[0].height = Inches(3.12)
slide.shapes[0].left = Inches(0.91)
slide.shapes[0].top = Inches(1.87)
slide.shapes[0].text_frame.fit_text(font_family=u'Verdana', max_size=60, bold=True)
#Modify slide titles starting page 2
if shape.shape_type == 14 and slides.index(slide) != 0: #Type 14 means PLACEHOLDER type and we don't edit the title page
if shape.text == slide.shapes.title.text: #check if this is the title
shape.height = Inches(0.52)
shape.text_frame.paragraphs[0].alignment = PP_ALIGN.LEFT
shape.text_frame.fit_text(font_family=u'Verdana', max_size=24, bold=True)
shape.left = Inches(0.2)
top_margin = shape.height.inches
#Modify pages starting picstart for picture
if shape.shape_type == 13 and slides.index(slide) > pic_start-2 and slide.shapes.title.text != 'Legends': #Type 13 means PICTURE type
shape.left = Inches(0.2)
shape.top = Inches(top_margin)
pic_ratio = shape.width/shape.height
space_ratio = space_wt/space_ht
#Adjust length and with to fit slide
if pic_ratio > space_ratio:
shape.width = Emu(space_wt)
shape.height = Emu(space_wt/pic_ratio)
shape.height = Emu(space_ht)
shape.width = Emu(space_ht*pic_ratio)
#Save and close