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How to get more than 1000 actions from a Trello board?

I want to run a simple script which gets in JSON form all the cards, etc. from Trello which data & URL looks like this: I want to automate the process of exporting a board.

But Trello won't let me do that, so I have to do it from the API, like this:

`/1/boards/${}`, {fields: "all",actions: "all",action_fields: "all",activities_limit: 1000,cards: "all",card_fields: "all",card_attachments: true,labels: "all",lists: "all",list_fields: "all",members: "all",member_fields: "all",checklists: "all",checklist_fields: "all", organization: false

It does what I want it to do, but the boards which I want to get the cards from have MORE than 1000 activities. So How do I get all the activities? It only fetches 1000 activities/cards. Also, I cant just fetch the URL above because for some reason you cant use the api to fetch it as per this question. This question doesn't answer my question, I want to go past 1000 cards, but if you do, you get an error saying you can't.


  • EDIT 2: Finally got it, I used the API & a ID generator for HTTPS requests and used the provided &before= parameter. The &before= parameter uses dates as the arguments, so I had to grab the last action from one request, get the date from that, and provide it for the &before parameter. Then for every array element that had 1000 elements, I popped the last element because I'd end up with duplicate actions.

    Now, I ended up with actions that look like this: [[actions],[actions],[actions],[actions]] and so on, so I used Merge/flatten an array of arrays 's answer to make it all [actions]. Then I used bracket notation object["key"] = value to set / replace the actions with the actions from my HTTPS requests, and it came out to a VERY large file, and it took quite a while to produce this file, it came out to around 99.5 MB.

    this is my whole index.js test file:

    const https = require('https');
    const fs = require('fs');
    var boardinfo = "";
        hostname: '',
        path: `/b/....json`,
        headers: {'User-Agent': `${Math.random().toString(16).substring(2,16)}`}
    }, (r) => {
        var data = "";
        r.on('data', (d) => {
        r.on('close', () => {
            boardinfo = JSON.parse(data);
    var actions = [];
    (function untilDeath(beforeval) {
        hostname: '',
        path: `/1/boards/.../actions?limit=1000${beforeval ? `&before=${beforeval}` : ``}`,
        headers: {'User-Agent': `${Math.random().toString(16).substring(2,16)}`}
    }, (r) => {
        var cmpdta = "";
        r.on('data', (d) => {
        r.on('close', () => {
            cmpdta = JSON.parse(cmpdta);
            if(cmpdta.length < 1000) {
                if(cmpdta.length) actions.push(cmpdta);
                return makeFile(info, [].concat.apply([], actions), fileName);
            } else
        r.on('error', () => {
            throw new Error('Error');
    function makeFile(trelloBoard, actions) {
        trelloBoard["actions"] = actions;
        fs.writeFile(`./full-board.json`, JSON.stringify(trelloBoard, null, `\t`), (c) => {
            if(c) console.log(c);

    EDIT: Disappointingly, this also only fetches 1000 actions, even with saving the JSON file manually, it still gives 1000 actions.

    I easily resolved this with a HTTPS User-Agent header.

    const https = require('https');
        hostname: '',
        path: '/b/....json',
        headers: {'User-Agent': 'some-random-user-agent'}
    }, (r) => {
        var str = "";
        r.on('data', (d) => {str+=d});
        r.on('close', () => {console.log(str)})