I have a list with IDs in string format (list_id). I created a deque (de_list_id) with numbers from 1 to length of list_id, so that I can reference to each element of list_id. Furthermore I have a function which checks, if a file (with a certein ID) is back up online or not. I want the loop to repeat until everything is online. I wrote:
while de_list_id:
k = de_list_id.popleft() #take the first element and check if it is online
status = check(arg1, arg2, list_id[de_list_id[k]], arg3)
if status:
dl_routine(arg1, arg2, list_id[de_list_id[k]], arg3) # if so, download and remove
de_list_id.append(k) # if not, append it back to list
But that returns:
IndexError: deque index out of range
Does anyone know why and how to fix that? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I suspect this is where things are going wrong:
k = de_list_id.popleft()
status = check(arg1, arg2, list_id[de_list_id[k]], arg3)
You pop the index k
from the queue, then use it to select index on the queue itself with de_list_id[k]
Per your description, I think you want to do something like this instead:
k = de_list_id.popleft()
status = check(arg1, arg2, list_id[k], arg3)
Same for the line dl_routine(arg1, arg2, list_id[de_list_id[k]], arg3)
-> dl_routine(arg1, arg2, list_id[k], arg3)